Lately, we've had quite the creative conversations between curious minds. They go something like this:
Chad: "When I grow up, I'm going to have 5 kids. How many will you have Kate?"
Kate: "2, like mommy."
Chad: "Well, mommy is going to have more. I wish I could have 50 kids, but that would break my house!"
Katelyn mixing the tunes of "Frosty the Snowman" with the second line of "Joy to the World" was singing all day yesterday: "Frosting the Snowman, the Lord has come..."
Chad: "We give presents for Christmas, cause that's what the wise men gave Jesus. That's how I know I'm getting GOLD for Christmas."
Katelyn taking a shower for the first time, has her back to the water and keeps looking down. With water cascading over her head and into her face, she is crying. I encourage her to step forward and look up.
She sobs "But Mom, it's coming from the up!!!"
Chad's breakfast prayer: "Help bless me to be nice to my sister, help bless me to obey mommy and daddy, thank you for the food, and help mommy to make me a brother. Amen."
Katelyn's breakfast prayer right after that: "Help bless me to be nice to my brother, help bless me to obey mommy and daddy, help bless me to not have any more brothers. Amen."
Chad: "Do butterflies eat butter?"
Katelyn: "Mom, what are you doing?" (Chad and I are arranging wooden shapes into pictures)
Me: "I'm using my imagination."
Katelyn: "What is imadinatin?"
Chad: "It's like when I make a girl-eater with tinkertoys and eat you."
Later I walk in to find Katelyn in my makeup bag applying this and putting on that.
I gasp "What are you doing?"
Katelyn: "Using my imadinatin."
And the best of all, while Jon was reading and Chad lying on the top of the couch, Chad broke the silence with:
Chad to
Jonathan: "Is it true that people go to hell when they die if they don't have God in their hearts?"
Jonathan: "Yes it is."
Chad to
Jonathan: "I want to ask God in my heart."