Saturday, December 17, 2011

{God's eyes through a 5 year-old's eyes}

How Kate spent her time during the long move to CA
Kate and I were on the way to the store today when I looked in the rear view mirror and noticed her pensive face. It did not take long to find out what was on her mind.

"Mom, how many eyes does God have?"
"Well, when Jesus came to earth, He had 2 just like us," I answered.
"Then how can God see everything in the whole world with only 2 eyes? I have 2 eyes like Him, and I can't see everything." And then, as if that wasn't enough to have to explain, she followed it up with another question: "Is there one God for every world with people on it?"
"Kate, I think there's only one world with people on it, and yes, there is one God."
"But, that doesn't make any sense, Mom. If God loves people SO much, there would be many worlds with many people so He could talk to them all and love them."
Oh, boy.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

{semester's end}

One semester down, 2 more years to go. That seems like a long time, but I have to take it day by day to get through. I can not look at the big picture right now. It scares me too much. Only the end result and each single day leading up to it. As usual, I am scared of next semester. Jonathan says I've been saying that before each semester since 1999. He's known me awhile I guess. At least I don't disappoint. I am ecstatic about my grades that were just posted. I have never wanted a B so badly. C in any class is not good, because no one can graduate with a GPA less than 3.0. With Jonathan's support, Brian's help, and God's mercy, I got 2 A's and 2 B's. As Debra Maloy put it: "There are no ARNAs or BRNAs, but you have to get those to be a CRNA." 
But for now, I am just enjoying family time, playing games with the kids, and packing for an awesome Christmas vacation. Michelle and Ted are coming Saturday from Guam. So long! I've got alot to do!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I came into Chad's class today to watch, only to find him missing. Mrs. McCarty quickly filled me in. "He's in the office with Anthony. The boys were throwing scissors at each other." Horrified, I walked to the office. The boys were writing out what had happened. As soon as Chad saw me, he grew grim. I looked down to see his first sentence. "I told my nightmare to Anthony, and he laughed at me, so I threw my scissors. He threw his back at me." My next question, "What was your nightmare?" brought a torrent of tears. "I dreamed I was really sick, and the only way I could get better was if a girl kissed me. It was a really bad dream! The worst nightmare ever. She kept trying to kiss me, and I would rather be sick. I NEVER want to be kissed by a girl." It was all I could do to keep from laughing. I smiled and kissed him. "It's not so bad. Did you get better?" "Mom, that kiss was so awful, it woke me up."
We'll see about that. For now, it's quite okay with me. Not the scissor throwing. That needs to stop.