Background to the situation:
1. I am on week 10 of P90X, feeling good, feeling fit...
2. Just bought Kate a new car booster seat, as she is now over 30 pounds...
3. The back seat of our Honda Civic is pretty small...So this morning, we're riding to work and I'm reaching to the back seat to hold Katelyn's hand. She says, "Momma, sit with me." I tell her, "I can't honey. I'm already up here, and daddy is driving." Then I add, "Although now, I probably would fit since your car seat is not as wide." Chad pipes up, "No you couldn't. Your bottom is too fat!" Not to be undone, I retort: "Oh, yeah? I'll show you!" all the while Jonathan is laughing hysterically. You just don't say that to your 115-pound mom. At least I never did.
So I climb to the back, sit myself down, and declare "See, I do fit." Chad looks at me slyly and says, "I'm so smart. I just wanted you back here." At that, we all have a good laugh. Gotta watch out for this kid- he's a trickster!